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valve drive中文是什么意思

用"valve drive"造句"valve drive"怎么读"valve drive" in a sentence


  • 活门传动
  • "valve"中文翻译    n. 1.【机械工程】阀,活门,舌门;汽门。 2.【解剖 ...
  • "drive"中文翻译    vt. (drove , 〔古语〕 drave; dri ...
  • "ddv-direct drive valve" 中文翻译 :    直动式伺服阀
  • "direct drive valve" 中文翻译 :    直接驱动阀
  • "insert drive valve" 中文翻译 :    插入驱动阀
  • "valve gear drive" 中文翻译 :    气门分配机构的驱动
  • "engine-drive safety valve test" 中文翻译 :    机带安全阀试验
  • "isolation valve drive water riser" 中文翻译 :    驱动水升管隔离阀
  • "by drive" 中文翻译 :    按驱动器名; 依磁盘驱动器代号
  • "drive" 中文翻译 :    vt. (drove , 〔古语〕 drave; driven; driving) 1.驱逐,赶,撵 (along; away; back; down; in; off; out; forward; etc.)。 2.赶(马车等);驾驶,开(汽车等);用车运,用车送。 3.逼迫,强迫,驱使,迫使,使不得不。 4.推动;推进;发动(机器等);运(笔);【无线电】激励。 5.努力经营,促使(成交)。 6.把(钉、桩等)打进 (into); 挖(隧道);钻(油井等);(在多山地区)开(路等)。 7.推迟,拖延。 8.【棒球】用力击(球),猛力掷(球);【网球】抽(球);发(急球);【高尔夫球】从球座打出。 9.从中轰出猎物。 drive away the flies 赶走苍蝇。 drive off the pirates 击退海盗。 drive a carriage 赶马车。 drive a motorcar 开汽车。 drive sb. home 用车子送人回家。 drive a mule 赶骡子。 a submarine driven by nuclear power 核动力驱动的潜艇。 Wind drives the mill. 风推动磨盘。 drive a nail into the wall 把钉子敲进墙里。 drive a stone at the dog 拿石头掷狗。 drive a quill 挥毫书写,拿鹅毛笔写字。 drive sb. mad with jealousy [to desperation] 使某人嫉妒得发狂[绝望]。 The heat drove him to rest. 酷热迫使他休息。 She was driven to admit it. 她被迫承认那件事。 drive a roaring trade 生意兴隆。 drive a good bargain 努力做成了一笔好生意。 drive a tunnel through a hill 挖一条穿山隧道。 drive a railroad through a mountainous district 横贯山区铺设一条铁路。 drive a wood (打猎时)把林中的猎物哄赶出来。 drive one's departure to the last moment 拖延行期直到最后一刻才动身。 vi. 1.赶马车;开车;〔美口〕领到驾驶执照。 2.乘车,乘车旅行。 3.急驶,猛冲;(在外力推动下)急行。 4.努力争取。 5.【棒球】用力击球;猛力掷球;【网球】抽球;发急球。 learn how to drive 学开车。 In this state, you can't drive until you are 18 years old. 本州规定,年满十八岁方可领驾驶执照。 Do you ride or drive? 骑马去还是开车去? D- ahead! 往前开! drive across the wilderness 开车穿越荒原。 Rain drove into our faces. 雨猛打到我们脸上。 The ship drove before the wind. 船顺风急驶。 drive in a carriage 坐马车。 drive hard to make it a success 努力争取成功。 drive at 指望,打算,想 (I can't make out what he is driving at. 我不明白他是什么打算)。 drive away at 〔口语〕一心做,拼命做。 drive down 压低。 drive (sb.) hard 强迫(某人)拼命工作。 drive home 1. (把钉)敲进去。 2. (摆清事实)使领会,使明白,使痛感。 3. 用车把…送到家。 drive into 1. 把…赶进去;(风等把…)吹积成。 2. 把(功课等)灌输给。 drive on the horn 〔俚语〕乱揿(汽车)喇叭。 let drive (at) 对准…打,照准…发射 (let drive at the ball 对准球一击)。 n. 1.驱逐,赶,撵,(猎物的)哄赶。 2.开车,驾驶马车[汽车]旅行;旅程。 3.【机械工程】传动,驱动;传动装置;【无线电】激励。 4.马车道,汽车路;(私宅内的)环形车路。 5.驱使;(被驱赶着走的)畜群。 6.(木材的)流放,流运;(流运中的)木材。 7.冲力,动力;干劲;努力;魄力;精力。 8.倾向;趋势。 9.〔美国〕(政治宣传、募捐等的)运动,热潮;竞争,廉价推销。 10.【棒球】猛掷球,猛击球;【网球】抽球,发急球。 11.【军事】猛攻。 12.【心理学】冲动,本能要求。 take [have, go for] a drive in a motor-car 乘汽车出游。 It's only a few minutes' drive to the airport. 坐车去机场几分钟就到了。 a drive of cattle 赶牲畜。 a drive of logs 流放木材。 the hunger drive 吃饱肚子的需求。 a sexual drive 性冲动。 a man with great drive 进取心强的人,干劲大的人。 a propaganda drive 宣传运动。 start a drive to raise funds 开展一项征募基金的运动。 His paintings has a drive. 他的画有一种活力。 a drive against Berlin 猛攻柏林。 gear drive 齿轮传动。 chain [screw] drive 链[螺杆]传动。 front [rear] drive (汽车的)前[后]驱动。
  • "drive at" 中文翻译 :    想说,意指; 意思; 用意所在
  • "drive by" 中文翻译 :    推动; 运球过人
  • "drive in" 中文翻译 :    赶进; 敲进; 切入上篮得分; 驶入; 运球突破
  • "drive into" 中文翻译 :    打入; 开进, 敲入, 逼使
  • "drive on" 中文翻译 :    把两国之间的友好关系推进到一个新阶段; 可开上去的
  • "drive to" 中文翻译 :    开车去
  • "drive-by" 中文翻译 :    vt. 飞车而过(开枪射击)。 2.n. 飞车射击。 3.adj. 草率从事的。
  • "drive-in" 中文翻译 :    n. 〔美国〕(让顾客不下汽车即可吃饭、办事、看戏等的)路边饭店,路边银行;露天电影院。 adj. (饭店、电影院等)路边服务式的;露天营业式的。 Drive-in business far exceeded walk-in business. 露天营业式的生意远远压倒了室内服务式的生意。
  • "drive-on" 中文翻译 :    adj. (船等)可让汽车直接开上去的。
  • "with such drive there" 中文翻译 :    没有克服不了的困难
  • "it valve" 中文翻译 :    缝隙阀
  • "t-valve" 中文翻译 :    三通阀
  • "valve" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.【机械工程】阀,活门,舌门;汽门。 2.【解剖学;动物学】瓣,瓣膜;(贝)壳瓣;【植物;植物学】荚片;(藻的)瓣;(果实的)裂片。 3.【建筑】门的一扇。 4.〔英国〕【无线电】电子管,真空管。 a change valve 三通阀。 an exhaust valve排气阀。 a pulmonary valve【解剖学】肺动脉瓣。 a safety valve安全阀,保险阀。 adj. -d 有阀[瓣等]的。 adj. -less 无阀[瓣等]的。 n. -let 小阀[瓣等]。
  • "valve no" 中文翻译 :    阀门号
  • "drive on-drive off system" 中文翻译 :    滚动式装卸系统


  • Servo - valve driven by piezoelectric ceramics
  • Valve driving mechanism
  • Valve driving arm
  • This device is an important part in valve driving mechanism , it works according to the movement rule of cam to ensure the exhaust port open and close correctly , so that it can make the diesel engine running normally
  • Because of the jet flow field for the prestage of hydraulic servo valve driven by jet flow , it is difficult to build an accurate mathematical model , thereby the analysis of servo pipe and whole servo control system is difficult to be carried out
  • During the design of interface circuit , electromagnetic valve driving circuit and main electronic control unit , standardization and modularization technology are used . meanwhile , in view of the characteristics of hardware and diesel engine , modern software engineering technologies are employed to deploy the system resources rationally in the process of developing software
  • According to the present problems and developing tendency of hydraulic turbine governor , four main issues of this field are studied in this paper . the content include hydraulic control system , frequency measurement unit , stability of the discrete control system , optimization of control parameters and self - adjusting pid control strategy based on fuzzy logic . several main achievement and results are obtained and shown as follows : the electric - hydraulic pilot valve driven by step - motor is firstly proposed , which solves the problem that the electric - hydraulic converter of hydraulic turbine governor hydraulic servo is prone to be stuck and blocked and improves the systemic stability greatly
  • The method that absorb return circuit design used in power design and electromagnetic valve drive circuit , system power and operating supervision to mcu and redundancy and digital filter technology to the time interval to send wave and echo are used in system design to ensure the reliability and accuracy of measure and control system
  • This company " the pursue advanced technology , the strict technicalmanagement , guaranteed the outstanding quality creation first - classbrand " is the quality policy , unceasingly promotes the new product , carries on the improvement innovation to the product , now this companypromotes the electric power valve drive which forms a complete setwith the valve
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